Sunday 29 January 2012

Fifth entry.

Oh hello. It’s only me; don’t be alarmed. Blogging has gently lulled, but then, this is the case with many elements of my life. The dissertation for example; swept under the carpet like an illegitimate, bastard love-child, spawned from a night of debauchery and regret. Yes; tuck it away in the depths of my soul and hope for the best; that’ll do the trick. Probably.
 The reason for the cease-fire on all things learning, is that I am now on work placement; like a real life human. The prospect of being one of them ‘growed-ups’  fills me with joy and fear simultaneously.  Joyful to have pennies to spend; fearful of said pennies being earned through my own hard work and not thrust upon me by the authorities that be. Delighted to have the world at my finger tips; distressed I may have to travel alone and become circumcised or head of a cartel, or worse. Ambitious to become a high-flying journalist; concerned that, well, I may just not.
But on a brighter note; mother is happy with the chickens, and they seem to be happy with her. She addresses them as “my girls,” which I strongly object to, but then they are rather handsome. Aside from all the neck scabs, of course. Whilst temperamental in their refusal to lay eggs in adverse weather conditions; ie- rain, humidity, fog, they produce delicious embryo matter. With the yellowiest yolks, too...It’s like having a sunshine omelette each morning.
However. Considering that this is supposed to be a journalism-related blog (arf), I should explain the work placement process; how it shaped me as a writer; how it made me feel within my inner self, and so on. For now though, it’s back to the daily grind. Pleasantly surprised to find a recent article of mine on the ‘Times of India’ website. Despite my joy; can forecast a future of losing my mind to cyber-bullying, googling myself daily in the darkness of a locked wardrobe...

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